Big Questions, Picnic Edition

The dinner (or breakfast or lunch) table has always been a popular place for great family chats. There, kids have a captive audience, but there’s also something about sharing a meal together that seems to spark conversation. Now that summer is in full swing, and kids are indulging in warm-weather treats in an al fresco setting, there are even more opportunities to chow down on big questions.

Here is a sample platter of things to talk about while dining outside with your little thinker:

  1. Name one type of fresh fruit (or vegetable) that you love and one that you hate. Why do we think some things are delicious, and some things are disgusting? What’s the difference?
  2. Have a good look at the ants crawling past your meal. Is it okay for them to share your picnic space? Why or why not? What makes some space ours and other space theirs?
  3. While you’re tidying up after your meal, talk about littering. We’re all told that it’s wrong to leave our garbage around, but why is it so bad? Who are we hurting by not being careful with trash?
  4. Admire the trees and plants around you. Do you think that all this green stuff has thoughts and feelings like humans do? Why or why not? How do you know?

Happy picnic-ing, everyone! May the discussions with your wee philosopher be as delicious as the contents of your cooler bag.