Parents As Part of A Child’s Critical Thinking Community

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Teaching a kid to think critically sounds like a bit of a daunting task, one that’s best left to professional educators. There’s no doubt that it’s a crucial skill for 21st century learners, and as such, it belongs in school curriculum. There are, however, a lot of reasons for parents to get involved as well.

  • Making room for critical thinking at home has the same result as encouraging reading. The very act of creating space for critical discussion can have a profound effect, both at home and at school.
  • Tackling big questions with a child creates a bond of trust with them. If they know their parents are open to talking about something complicated, they’re more likely to talk openly.
  • Critical thinking has positive effects on a variety of areas of a child’s life outside of school. It can augment a child’s experience with extracurricular activities, as well as support their emotional and social growth. It can also help them to make better choices about the media they consume.
  • It’s actually a lot of fun to engage a child in critical thought. Making use of “Why” questions can give parents real insight into their child’s mind.
  • Critical thinking is something everyone, including parents, should be practicing. Is there a more interesting and engaging way to sharpen our own skills than with our kids?

Don’t shy away from doing critical thinking activities with your child at home. You’ll be supporting their teachers’ efforts at school, as well as opening up a whole new avenue of sharing ideas at home. When you’re ready, there are tons of resources out there (and right here) to support you.