Philosophy Goes to the Beach!

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Who’s planning a little time by the water this summer? Beach time is an iconic summer activity. Who says you can’t think about big questions with a little sand between your toes?

Here are some of our favourite activities to do at the beach:

The Sandcastle City

A classic beach activity among families is building a sandcastle. While building this fortress, encourage your kids to pretend that they’re building the perfect city. Help them flesh out the details of the city by asking these questions:

  • What important things are in this sand city?
  • What are the rules in this city? Who is in charge?
  • What is life like for its citizens?

Once they answered these questions, ask “why are these details important?” And yes, little plastic action figures do add to the fun. Sprinkle them liberally.

Marine Life Empathy

This activity is great for when you encounter aquatic creatures! Here are some great questions that will encourage your kids to imagine what it’s like to swim around as a water animal!

  • How do you think these creatures see the world and themselves?
  • How are their lives different from those of humans?
  • What do you think they think of humans?

This is a great way for your kids to feel more connected to nature and to turn a small interaction into a lasting impression!

Mirage Mirage

When the beach gets too hot and your family moves to find some much-needed shade, this is a fun way to discuss the effects of heat and sun on our bodies (while also reinforcing the importance of sunscreen and proper hydration).

  • Can being too hot make our senses play tricks on us?
  • How do we decide what’s real when your eyes play tricks on us?
  • How is a mirage different than the dreams we have at night?

These questions will help encourage sun safety as well as bring up an interesting conversation about the nature of reality!

So put on a floppy hat and sandals, grab your shades, and let the thinking begin!